This contemporary art exhibition will take place in August 2016, and London Artist Elle Smith is proud to exhibit two oil paintings at this exhibition. Purple Rain and Thinking Outside the Box were selected in keeping with this theme.

You are welcome to attend this exhibition at Lavagna, Italy where these two art paintings will be displayed.
The following oil paintings will be on display and for sale at the contemporary art exhibition in Lavagna. I will be donating 10% of the sale price to charity, if these oil paintings are sold.
ELATE MEMORIES is a contemporary art exhibition which continued the theme started in the previous FUTURE AND BEHIND Contemporary Art Exhibition in August 2015. The art exhibition examines the certainty and values of the past which were set against the instability of a crumbling modern society characterised by the uncertainty due to the feebleness prospects of the future.
The exhibition sought to investigate the role that memory and remembrances play in being "happy'. Elate memories is an exhortation to seek serenity within ourselves, in our experience and knowledge. Of course, the current state of being of any one of us is as a result of the past, in fact all of our experiences and choices ever made. Indeed, being here in the present is a measure of our success in the past.
A selection of images of the contemporary art from this exhibition: