Tropical Quark Buns


Tropical Quark Buns

“These buns are a delight for breakfast, as they burst with scents of the tropics. They are flavoured with cinnamon and cardamom, and are very light in texture. Definitely a nice treat!!”


Tropical Quark Buns Unique Recipe by Elle Smith




2.5 cups of Strong White Flour

2 tablespoons of Plain Flour

0.3 cups of Soft Brown Sugar

1.5 tablespoon of  Butter, chopped into cubes

1 teaspoon of Dried Yeast

1 large Egg, beaten

1 teaspoon of Cinnamon 

1 heaped teaspoon of Grated Lemon Rind

1 teaspoon of Green Cardamom Powder

0.3 cups of lukewarm Fresh Milk

1 heaped tablespoon of Quark

0.5 teaspoon of Salt

1 teaspoon of extract of Vanilla, or contents of half a vanilla pod (or both!)

Extra Flour for kneading

Sugar Nibs to decorate

Optional Extra - Luxury Mixed Fruit and Lemon Icing (Lemon Juice + Icing Sugar)



  1. Place the flours in a large bowl and add the chunks of butter, cinnamon, salt, cardamom and grated lemon rind.
  2. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips to make a crumble-like mixture.
  3. Stir in the brown sugar with a spoon.
  4. Make a well in the centre and pour in the egg, warm milk, quark, yeast and vanilla extract.
  5. Using a knife bind the mixture together, until a soft dough is formed.
  6. Knead the dough lightly on a floured surface, until the dough is smooth.
  7. Place the dough in a greased large glass bowl, and cover with cling film. It is always wise to spray the dough with oil to avoid it sticking to the cling film.
  8. The dough must be left until doubled in size in a very warm area, as it will take a while to rise.
  9. Remove dough and place on a floured surface.
  10. Add mixed fruit to the dough now, if you wish to have this version of the buns. Lightly knead the fruit into the dough.
  11. Cut into 12 to 16 pieces, depending on personal choice of bun size.
  12. Place on a greased or lined baking tray, and brush with warm water using a pastry brush and sprinkle immediately with sugar nibs.
  13. Bake in an oven at 140 to 150 degrees for about 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown on top.
  14. You may wish to mix a lemon icing by combining lemon juice with icing sugar to form a thick paste. Pipe using a thin nozzle and piping bags onto the buns. This step is optional but a favourite for younger family members.
  15. Serve when cool with tea. 

“A delightful bun which is best eaten warm. They can be warmed up in the oven on the next day!"