Turkey Chow Mein
“A brilliant dish to get children eating lots of vegetables in a healthy way!”

8 oz. leftover Turkey Trimmings, shredded into pieces
1.5 packets of medium Egg Noodles
1.5 litre bottle of Mineral Water, for cooking the noodles
2 long and fat Carrots
2 large Onions, sliced into semi-circles
1 large bunch of Celery
2 long Green Peppers
1 Long Red Pepper
1 bottle of Dark Soy Sauce
Sunflower Oil for frying
Ground White Pepper for seasoning (NO SALT REQUIRED)
- Place the water in a large and deep pot and bring to the boil.
- Add the noodles and cook until they separate, then drain and add a little oil to stop them sticking together.
- Cut all the vegetable lengthwise to achieve thin strips of about 5 millimetres in width and as long as you can slice for. This action is for carrots, celery, peppers and onion (which should already be in semi-circles, i.e. cut across from the top to base stalks in half, then sliced the opposite way.
- Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a large frying pan or wok.
- Add the carrots, frying gently until shiny. Do the same with the onions, celery and peppers in that order. Each time removing the cooked vegetables which should still be quite firm but pliable and place them in a dish.
- You will need a large, ovenproof and covered casserole.
- Add the vegetables and chicken; then add portions of the noodles mixing thoroughly in. Each time add white pepper and soy sauce to the mixture. This step is best done with clean hands, which will prevent the noodles from becoming mushy.
- Finally sprinkle generously with remaining soy sauce all over the mixture.
- Bake in a medium oven (150 degrees) until cooked and serve piping hot!
“This is a great unique recipe to get children involved in making as they will enjoy the preparation, mixing and eating all those vegetables!!!”