Look to the first line of this poem, where we apply happiness to inject positivity, something which always helps when there are struggle or difficulties. Often when starting from a place of negativity, our innermost fears take control and we allow self-defeat to eliminate various options without consideration.
Colour can be very emotive, even indeed with the skin colour of our populations around the globe. What if we had colour blindness with regards to skin colour? Surely, many prejudices and indifference would disappear overnight. How amazing would this be!!!
Considérons-nous comment nous sommes reliés à d'autres, le monde est vraiment une petite place par Elle Smith de Londres. Connecté en cercles est un poème original et contemporain:
Imagine having a dream where several iconic celebrities visit you to convey various statements, with one key note....of love. Introducing the contemporary poem 'Dream filled with Icons' by London poet, Elle Smith:
We have many pop stars who sing about children being the future, but do we truly consider why? London poet Elle Smith in the original poem 'This is Why Children are Important' offers some inspired ideas in verse: