Many of you will only have yesterday learned about Lauri Love, however a rising number of people have been supporting him over the months as he has faced trial after trial in this matter. I suggest that given this case has been silent in mainstream media, we are seeing another measure of inequality in the UK.
Today is International Chocolate Day and I could not resist but publish my Elle Smith recipe for Chocolate and Pistachio Roulade, which just happens to be one of my favourites. Needless to say this will definitely take you to 'Chocolate Heaven'.
It was just announced that Elle Smith's poem 'Angels Do Come to Visit' achieved Third place in the 2016 Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest. The category of this achievement was 'It Happened One Night'.
What relevance does food have to art inspiration?
Strange though it may seem my art inspiration was being drawn from food yesterday, as I was taken on a roller coaster trip reminiscing down memory lane. It all happened when I had a memory of "Manchester Tart". Many of you will probably be thinking "What is Manchester Tart?"
The new website is complete and the creativity of Elle Smith now has an artistic and creative home.
First time experiences offer priceless memories, which often shape the person you are and guide you through life. Reflection of these situations allows us to improve our behaviours in the future, and affords us the opportunity to share with others for mutual benefit.
Often these memories can inspire us at times of low mood, or where our life takes an intersection; giving us the knowledge of how to manage difficulties or emotional changes. The sharing of these experiences is a brilliant learning tool for children and peers as they navigate their own lives.